Primary Care Sims

Primary Care Sims

The goal of the Primary Care sims are to provide learners with high quality clinical experiences to prepare them for clinical practice. The target audience for these sims are GP trainee doctors, though they may also be used for undergraduate medical school learners. Learners will converse with a digital human patient in a fully immersive simulation. Their instructor will control the simulation, providing hints and conducting a debrief at the end. It is also possible for other students to observe as part of a group activity.

Getting started:

As an instructor it is neccessary to practice a sim, before delivering it to a student, by controlling the conversation flow of an avatar until you have it off pat.

We have created a condensed ‘single activity’ version for you to get started and practice.

We strongly recommend learning to run this sim, STACEY (Single) before moving onto the others.

The Multi Activity Sims:


Post natal depression, mental health assessment

Clinical examination, diagnosis and referral

EOL conversation with palliative care patient


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